New Library

Do you want to see what’s going on at the Site?

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Password: Harrington

Soft Opening Monday, September 30th

Ribbon Cutting Monday, October 7th at 10:00 am

Join us all week for more fun!

  • Tuesday, October 8th, Tote Bag Giveaway
  • Wednesday, October 9th, 10:45am – Dinosaur Story Time with DASEF
  • Thursday, October 10th, Magnet Giveaway
  • Friday, October 11th, Candy Appreciation Bag Giveaway (while supplies last)
  • Saturday, October 12th – Mascot Race at 12:30pm, Turtle Dance Concert at 1:00pm, plus face painting, inflatable games, ice cream, hot dogs from 10:00am -2:00pm


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